
Image frames

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perfectly responsive. alluring effects.

Display your images in a circle frame or choose between 4 image frames to spice up your photos.
Display captions and descriptions in or out of your images.

Circle image frames

Cras dapibus arcu a neque laoreet condimentum. In in rhoncus leo. Sed mattis feugiat odio, sit amet pretium nisl egestas non. Suspendisse dui velit, congue ac lacus eget, semper tempor turpis. Nunc sapien enim, sagittis vitae purus in, lobortis pharetra elit. Praesent gravida est dictum enim iaculis, ut scelerisque sapien rutrum. Duis non augue nunc.

Image frames

CAPTION INSIDESuspendisse blandit ligula turpis, ac convallis risus suspendis.
CAPTION OUSIDESuspendisse blandit ligula turpis, ac convallis risus suspendis.
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