
The site map shows that all the plots are densely populated. Will that mean dense living?

Home / FAQ / The site map shows that all the plots are densely populated. Will that mean dense living?

The site map shows that all the plots are densely populated. Will that mean dense living?


It’s deceptive. You need to take the following in consideration

1. Each plots is 1 acre of 4000 sq. meters
2. Fences are not permitted on any plots, and all plots can only have indigenous plants and trees.
3. That a house will range from 150 sq. meters to 240 sq. meters foot ( 400 sq meters maximum living areas) print representing 4% to 6% of the plot.
4. That the total estate is 600 acres or 2,400,000 sq. meters
5. That once all houses and other buildings (shops etc.) are constructed the total sq. meters used as foot print will be between 50,000 and 72,000 representing 2% to 3% of the total land.

Other aesthetic factors that need to be taken in to consideration are that trees will not be permitted to be cut down in the construction of the house. That means that one will need to find a space on the plot that will permit the size of house to be constructed without the destruction of trees. Which also means that the houses will ne nicely camouflaged. Secondly the reason why the design of the plots are in an amphitheatrically shape is to avoid any one plot to be head on to the next. That means all plots will as much as possible not have an interrupted view. – See more at: http://www.chaminukaestates.com/location.php#sthash.8VeEjxKO.dpuf

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